Wisconsin Judicial Results, 2016-2023 Wisconsin Primary Results, 2022 Election results from the Wisconsin Elections Commission (https://elections.wi.gov/elections/election-results). Precinct shapefiles from the Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau (https://gis-ltsb.hub.arcgis.com/). Wisconsin election results frequently combine multiple wards within a given reporting unit. Election results were disaggregated from reporting units to individual wards proportional to the total number of registered voters within the constituent wards in the subsequent ward-level registration report. LTSB collects ward boundaries in January and July of each year. However, voting ward boundaries continue to change until a few weeks before any given judicial or primary election due to annexations, incorporations, and other boundary agreements. Ward boundaries were therefore edited wherever necessary to coincide with a given judicial or primary election based on a comprehensive review of relevant ordinances in the Wisconsin Department of Administration Municipal Data System. A scattering of ward numbers across the state were also edited to match the voter registration file. End Matter ---------- We provide these data on this archive free for public use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (external links may have different licenses). Generally, this license means you are free to use these data for any non-commercial purpose as long as you provide proper citation and notify your users they must also abide by this license. We generally interpret non-commercial purposes to include academic work, creating maps and similar social media usage or blogging about our data (not behind a paywall), and reports authored by non-profit organizations. You are granted permission to use data or graphs on this site for some commercial products, such as for a book. If you have any questions about use of these data, please contact Prof. McDonald (michael.mcdonald@ufl.edu). THE DATA ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. WE MAKE NO AND DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT, WITH RESPECT TO THESE DATA. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES AS TO THE QUALITY, SUITABILITY, OR ADEQUACY OF THESE DATA FOR ANY PURPOSE OR USE.