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University of Florida

Data Archive

Through the links below, you will have access to election results, turnout rates, and election early voting statistics. National and state data can be accessed through the “All States (National)” link below, and precinct-level data can be accessed through individual state pages.

To access most datasets, you must first login to your free Election Science Lab account. This account provides access to most datasets in our archive. The 2022 state precinct maps and statewide election results are available only to paid subscribers. Contact us at for subscription information.


We provide these data on this archive free for public use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (external links may have different licenses). Generally, this license means you are free to use these data for any non-commercial purpose as long as you provide proper citation and notify your users they must also abide by this license. We generally interpret non-commercial purposes to include academic work, creating maps and similar social media usage or blogging about our data (not behind a paywall), and reports authored by non-profit organizations. You are granted permission to use data or graphs on this site for some commercial products, such as for a book. If you have any questions about use of these data, please contact Prof. McDonald (